Monthly Meetings

We hold monthly meetings on the  2nd Wednesday of every month.

The pre-planned agenda for 2025 is as follows:


January 8th“Why did the hedgehog cross the road” by the Hedgehog Preservation Society
February 12th
February 15th (Saturday)
Secrets of successful ponds in your garden
COACH TRIP: Thenford Arboretum and Snowdrops
March 12thGrowing and Caring for Wild Flowers in the Garden.
April 9thGrow Your 5 a Day
May 14th
May 30th (Friday)
Social and Plant Sale
COACH TRIP: David Austin Rose Gardens and Tea rooms near Wolverhampton
June 11thFor The Love Of Salvias
July 9th (Thursday)LOCAL VISIT: Visit to Pudding Hill Garden, Arlington
August 13thBritish Butterflies
September 6th (Saturday)FLOWER AND PRODUCE SHOW
October 8thBugs, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
November 13thPermaculture – gardening with less impact on the environment
December 11thAGM and Beetle Drive with drinks and nibbles

The pre-planned agenda for 2024 is as follows:

January 10thTopical Tips to make gardening easier
February 14thDesigning and Making a Smaller Garden
March 13thThe Dahlia Year – Growing, Storing, Propagating and Showing Dahlias
April 10thExcellent Plants – New Varieties and Old Varieties, A Hand On talk
May 8thTalk on NGS Open Gardens in Oxfordshire
June 4th
June 12th
COACH TRIP: Broughton Grange, Oxon + Coton Manor Garden, Northants
LOCAL VISIT: Chestlion House, Clanfield 6-8pm £5 Donation
July 11th
July 24th
COACH TRIP: Yeo Valley Gardens (CANCELLED)
LOCAL VISIT: Langford, Hardie Amies’ House and Gardens, C1050 Church. £6 Donation. Drink Included
August 14thSwallows, Swifts and Martins
October 9thNew Plants from old. Hands on demo of dividing and propagating from existing plants
November 12thAdventures of Seed Detective collecting and cultivating from around the world.
December 10thAGM and Talk on Cider with Cide Tasting

Summaries and reports of our previous meetings can be found below.